According to Ancient Legend: When Adam and Eve were kicked out of The Garden of Eden, They were permitted to bring a single cutting of a plant out of The Garden with them, in hopes that someday this Gift from God would assist them in returning to The Garden again, purified and connected with God fully as initially designed at the Beginning of Creation. Long ago, I sent a trusted contact in search of the purest, most delicate, more potent and powerful Agarwood oil into the deepest jungles on Earth to recover a naturally occurring Agarwood Oil - which took over 1.5 years for the expedition to be completed. Agarwood is one of the tediously and expertly selected ingredients in The Scarlet Threads: Song of Solomon not only because it's so precious - but because of the incredible benefits it provides physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Agarwood can cost as much as $100,000 per kilogram, making it one of the most expensive raw materials in the world. But for this tree to produce any agarwood, it must first become infected with mold.
So, how does this infection process work? What is agarwood used for? And what makes it so valuable?
Aquilaria malaccensis is a tree native to the rainforests of southeast Asia. Prior to infection, the healthy heartwood inside Aquilaria trees is pale, odorless, and worthless. However, in the wild, damage to the tree by external forces, such as grazing animals, sporadically results in the growth of a specific type of fungal infection inside the tree called Phialophora parasitica.
The Aquilaria's defense to this attack is to produce a stress-induced aromatic resin called aloes, which is dark and moist. Over the course of several years, the aloes slowly embed into the heartwood to create agarwood.
For an experienced woodsman, they can look at an Aquilaria tree and predict whether it has agarwood inside or not. Ants bore into the tree trunk, causing a wound and bringing in the microorganisms, bacteria, fungus spores into the trunk of the tree. The ant secretes a fluid that damages the tree, and then the tree uses its own sap to cover the wounds, which will turn into agarwood after a long time.
Agarwood was described as a fragrant product of wealth and luxury in one of the world's oldest written texts, the Sanskrit Vedas, dating back as early as 1,400 BC. The aroma produced from agarwood has been highly valued by many cultures and religions throughout history.
In the Nirvana Sutra, aloes is mentioned as a "heavenly wood" used in the cremation of Buddha. In the New Testament, Jesus' body was anointed with a mixture of myrrh and aloes following his crucifixion. And in the Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith, the description of Paradise by Allah's messenger includes the burning of agarwood as incense. ‘Hitting the heaven’ is the kind of feeling one can get at breathing in the aromatic aura of Agarwood oil. Held high as the most captivating fragrance for progressing towards a divine journey, Agarwood and its sacred fragrance has been a part of various earliest cultures of the globe for attaining clarity of mind, enlightenment and inner peace, essential for realizing and reaching Divinity through meditation and other sacred rituals.
Called as Aguruh kul in Ayurveda with the Sanskrit meanings like Vruksha, Shreshta, Rajarha and Vishvaroopakam, Agarwood is popularly known as Agar has been an Ayurvedic medication for neuro-muscular conditions, pleurisy, anemia, halitosis, impotence, blood impurities, urinary infections, indigestion, skin problems, heart problems, pain and bed wetting.
Agarwood has its mention in numerous rich Vedic and historic texts like Sahih Muslim, Charaka Samhita, Torah, Bhagavat Gita, Sushruta Samhita, Islamic scriptures and Gospel. Agarwood has been the favorite fragrance of Lord Krishna, held as the God of protection and the hero of the ancient Sanskrit text Bhagavat Gita.
Buddha has stated that the fragrance of burning Agarwood is the authentic “scent of Nirvana” (the state of attaining Divinity). The string of beads counting 108 in Buddhism is made up of Agarwood. The Bible also mentions that Jesus Christ have been scented with Aloes (Agarwood).
The Prophet Muhammad performed the cultural tradition of fumigating with Agarwood and is followed even today among the Orthodox Islamic community. He also states that Agarwood is a part of the Paradise and his quote.
It is also said that the valiant Samurai warriors used Agarwood smoke to perfume their armor as a lucky charm before going to the battle. The celebrated king of France, King Louis XIV had his garments washed in a blend of water boiled with Agarwood and rose for lasting fragrance and energy.
Agarwood is a mystical resin which is used for meditation unlocking the subconscious and balancing the life airs or chi. Agarwood is highly psychoactive. It is used for spiritual journey, enlightenment, clarity and grounding. Buddhists use it for transmutation of ignorance. Tibetan monks use it to bring energy to the center and calm the mind and spirit.
The Sufis use Agarwood oil in their esoteric ceremonies and Japanese Shamans use it for its psychoactive properties it opens the third eye as well as all of the upper charkas. It is recommended by experienced practitioners for providing motivation and devotion to meditation. It brings communication with the transcendent, refreshes the mind and body, drives away evil spirits, takes away exhaustion, removes impurities, expels negative energies, brings alertness, relieves anxiety, invokes a sense of strength and peace, creating natural order in your sacred living areas, enhances cerebral functioning, calms the nervous system, remedies nervous disorders such as neurosis, obsessive behavior, etc., and it is a companion in solitude.
In China It is said that prayers arise with the fragrant smoke of Aloeswood (Agarwood) incense carrying the prayer to the Creator. Agarwood is an acquired taste, at least to Western sensibilities. Deep, rich, earthy and personal, its sweet yet sharp balsamic woodiness will enter you through all of the your senses. Beyond a pleasant smell, a drop of agarwood will softly invade your lungs, your mind, your body and spirit, taking total possession of you. You will smell that drop all day, he won't let you forget him, a constant reminder. The body heats, the heart expands, other scents retreat in the presence of oud. Oud is sexuality, passion, ecstasy and love. Agarwood is wild, he is primitive, he is the ancientness, holiness and sensuality of the world and all of its history. He is compelling, in a way that satisfies the Japanese obsession with subtlety and refinement, and has gripped the hearts and souls of the people of the Arabian Gulf. The appreciation of agarwood in the rest of the world runs sporadically like veins of resin through a piece of wood. It has always been a part of the French Perfume floracopia. Simply put, There is nothing else on Earth that is so widespread revered in every religion, culture, history, and continent - and there's also nothing as hard to come by as a real, true - Agarwood oil. After a 1.5 year search for the proper, unadulterated, exquisite and unmatched sourcing - I was able to finally complete The Scarlet Threads: Song of Solomon in order to bring this Creation to the world and deliver something guided from God and unlike anything else you've ever experienced.